Albert Nisbet

Mt Oxford and Ryde Falls Tracks

March 13, 2021
21.6 km
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This counterclockwise loop made for a great trail run about a half-marathon in length. The uphills and downhills are fairly steep but worth it for about a kilometre of good travel along the subalpine tops. I would recommend the side trip to Ryde Falls, especially on a warm day. A longer and even hillier daytrip could be created by making a detour to Wharfedale Hut.

Arriving at the summit of Mt Oxford. The Canterbury Plains are laid out in front of the hill making for an expansive view across to Banks Peninsula and the coast.
Arriving at the summit of Mt Oxford. The Canterbury Plains are laid out in front of the hill making for an expansive view across to Banks Peninsula and the coast.
The best part of the run is the tops travel: it's good trail with panoramic views. The descent becomes steeper after dipping below the bushline.
The best part of the run is the tops travel: it's good trail with panoramic views. The descent becomes steeper after dipping below the bushline.
Ryde Falls. The detour doesn't add much distance to the total and it was lovely to cool our feet in the pool at the falls' base.
Ryde Falls. The detour doesn't add much distance to the total and it was lovely to cool our feet in the pool at the falls' base.
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